On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus had one last meal with his disciples. During that meal, he spent time giving them final instructions. In the Upper Room Discourse Jesus prepares his followers for the challenges they will face. He prepares them by promising His Holy Spirit’s presence with them and by praying for them. 

In this series, we will look at Jesus’ parting words to his twelve disciples and what they mean for us as disciples of Jesus today.

June 16, 2024

A Priest Who Prays (John 17:1-26)

In this message we see how Jesus prays for the protection and mission of his church, starting with the disciples and extending to us. Jesus prays for his Father to be glorified by his death. He also prays that his church would be unified in its witness to what he has done. Pastor Omar applies this to our modern political witness. 

Pastor Omar Ortiz

June 9, 2024

From Grief to Joyful Dependence (John 16:16-33)

As the disciples face Jesus crucifixion they will experience grief over his death.  But Jesus promises that their grief will be transformed into joy, and that joy will lead them to depend on the Father.  This week we see how our own lives can follow that same path.

Pastor Omar Ortiz

June 2, 2024

The Guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 16:1-15)

Jesus teaches us that his Holy Spirit is committed to making God’s people holy. He begins this process by showing us our need for Jesus to be saved. He then shows us our need for Jesus to grow deeper in holiness.

Pastor Omar Ortiz

May 26, 2024

Perseverance in the Spirit (John 15:18-16:4)

Christians enjoy a vital connection to Jesus. Jesus warns us in John 16 that we might face problems in this world because of this connection. Jesus also promises that we won’t face those problems alone. He and the Father will send us the Holy Spirit as our helper.

Pastor Omar Ortiz

May 19, 2024

The Promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-31)

In celebration of Pentecost, Pastor Omar preached on the Holy Spirit.  He explained how the Spirit of God is the permanent, personal, and supportive divine presence of God and his truth.  

Pastor Omar Ortiz

May 12, 2024

Betrayal and Denial (John 13:18-38)

Jesus exposes the darkness of Judas’ betrayal and Peter's denial with the light of glory and love. As Jesus' disciples, we too can strive to be a community that loves each other through correction. 

Pastor Omar Ortiz

May 5, 2024

Washing Feet (John 13:1-17)

When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, he gave them a dramatic picture of his identity.  Washing their feet was a sign of his role as the Messiah who would make them clean and an example for them to follow.  As we look back on this act of love today we are reminded of what it costs to serve others in ways that defy cultural norms.

Pastor Omar Ortiz