Our mission is to form disciples who experience Jesus in every part of their lives and share Jesus throughout San Diego and beyond.

To accomplish this mission we direct our energy and ministries into three streams:

  • Worship - we meet weekly on Sunday morning for worship

  • Discipleship - we walk with people as they grow to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live like Jesus.

  • Service - we respond to Jesus’s call to love our neighbors by serving needs within our church, throughout our community, and around the world. We do this through relationships with City Partners and Missionaries.

We believe God is able to transform us and San Diego in every way—spiritually, socially, and culturally.

Harbor City Church is a church in the confessionally reformed tradition. Being confessional means that we put a high value on the historic teachings of Christianity as passed down to us from Scripture and expressed in the creeds of the church.  We hold to the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed as representatives of that historic faith.

Harbor City Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a group of churches whose beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

To learn more about our beliefs click here.