The book of Ruth tells the story of two women and their struggle to survive the losses they face. It shows us how acts of covenant kindness carry forward God's plan in our lives. In the process, we come to see God's concern for the most vulnerable.

Reference Materials:

August 25, 2024

Naomi has a Son! (Ruth 4)

In our final sermon on Ruth, we see how Boaz works to bring resolution to the story. We see how the Lord used Ruth to provide an heir for Namoi.  Through her hesed, the Lord works his faithful love as well.  With the birth of Obed Naomi received a son, Israel was given a king, and we received a Savior. The book of Ruth shows us God’s hesed to his people.

Pastor Omar Ortiz

August 11, 2024

Noticing the Unnoticed (Ruth 2)

God's care for us is often expressed in the kindness we receive from others. This week we see how Boaz's actions reveal both his and the Lord's kindness toward Ruth. This invites us to reflect on how we demonstrate the Lord's kindness to others.

Pastor Omar Ortiz

August 4, 2024

The Almighty has Brought Misfortune Upon Me (Ruth 1)

Does God care for the vulnerable? The story of Ruth shows us God's presence and provision even in dire circumstances. We see how Naomi and Ruth, despite their immense suffering and loss, continue to exhibit faith and become models for lament, struggle, and steadfastness in faith.

Pastor Omar Ortiz