Series Title: Walking by Faith - The Life of Abraham

Series Summary: We look at what it means to walk by faith when God's promises have yet to come. We look at the life of Abraham and Sarah and their successes, failures and struggles where they fail to trust God and take matters into their own hands that results in making a mess of things.

August 28, 2022

Pastor Omar Ortiz

August 21, 2022

Death and the Promises of God (Genesis 23:1-20)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

August 7, 2022

The Father and his Only Son (Genesis 22:1-19)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

July 31, 2022

Pruning and Provision (Genesis 21:8-21)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

July 24, 2022

The Mercy and Justice of God (Genesis 19:1-29)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

July 17, 2022

Abraham the Priest (Genesis 18:16-33)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

July 10, 2022

The Gospel According to Sarah (Genesis 18:1-15)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

July 3, 2022

Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

Bill McCurine

June 19, 2022

The God of Promises (Genesis 17:1-8)

Pastor Omar Ortiz

May 8, 2022

Pastor Omar Ortiz